New writers, or people with an idea and they just don't know how to put it on paper, come up and ask me all sorts of questions. And people with a screenplay who want to maybe produce it themselves will have a long query list.
So I'm going to have an evening where we all sit down and discuss these issue, questions, and more. It will be laid back, yet very organized with powerpoint and visual aids to illustrate points.
Thursday evening, Nov. 12 from 6pm to 9pm. I'll have some munchies so we won't starve. Cost is on $29. Register here and look for the Screenplay seminar.
Things I might cover (if more advanced writer's sign up, I'll deal with more advanced issues):
* The system for writing that works for me
* Overcome block
* Software I use to Outline, then Write
* The Three Act Structure
* Avoiding Cliches
* Getting your script registered
* Agents?
* Can I make money writing?
* Conflict-- the essence of Story
* Writing characters with different voices
* Avoiding traps
You'll have opportunities to ask questions and I'll craft the evening according to the needs of the attendees. Hope to see you there!
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