
Sunday, August 2, 2009

Apollo 13

Lately, I keep envisioning a scene from Apollo 13. Not that while getting ready to make a movie I'm at all suggesting a "successful failure." But my son has been watching it over and over again and I keep catching the scene where Gene Krantz goes around the room for a "go, no-go for launch. EECOM, go flight, CAPCOM, we're a go..." and so forth.

In my mind, I'm continually going around the room. "Art Department, what do we have going on. What challenges in this last week?" "Camera/Lighting... how we looking?" "AD and set operations?" "Locations?" No answers me there because I have no location department. First thing in the morning is to assign someone that. I can get away without a locations department because the script is 90% in one place and we've got that taken care of (thanks UTA). But there is still the other 10%. I think I've found everything, but will need someone to go knock on doors and get the necessary permissions, etc.

Other departments going around the room-- like Music. We're good there. Everything's progressing. Choreography. We've got a challenge to overcome there. But I'll be addressing that on Monday. Housing and such our Producers, newly arrived from NYC have now taken care of this weekend (big item off the plate). Catering/Crafty is being taken care of.

I do wonder if I'm missing anything. But I've got some good people, like Line Producer Stewart Young, Producers Andrew and Bill, Co-Producer Jeff Rodgers, and Associate Producer Courtney Price looking around the room as well.

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