
Thursday, January 8, 2009

Christian Beer Commercials

It ain't about the numbers but it's about the numbers. I will write about the whole "anti-numbers" theology sometime soon, but for now to sum it up-- I am not to define my success by numbers (which is an all too easy trap for me). "Oh God, if You can stretch forth your mighty hand and bless this movie so that thousands, yea millions get it, oh the awesome work we can do for Your kingdom." Contrary to popular culture, success to God is defined by faithfulness (well done thou good and faithful servant).

So what do I do when being faithful is marketing something (like "The Imposter")? Do I look at the numbers? Do I strive for numbers? That's what being faithful to marketing is. Do I keep this blog more fluffy because the "killing the ego" stuff is uncomfortable and people just won't visit? It'd be just as easy to go spiritual, look down on everyone and say "fine you milk drinkers, you'll get nothing but meat here!!"

My mentor says there's rarely a pure motive for doing anything. I will confess one reason to do this blog is to help increase the viral marketing of Imposter. But as my friend Kirby says, if I want numbers, I'll need to keep it lite and less filling like Christian beer commercials.

So I don't know. My original thought was to do meaty stuff with less filling ingredients sandwiched in.

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